Role as facilitator

The role of the facilitator is to hold safe space and create a container for expression, curiosity and shifts towards greater health. As a facilitator I need to let go of judgments and expectations and hear each individual. I need to be an improviser and know when to let go of something and also when to bring people closer to their ‘edge’. A person’s edge is a vulnerable place and also a place for growth and learning. It is the line where their comfort zone is ending and unchartered territory is beginning. Discerning where someone can go in relation to their ‘edge’ can be a delicate process and always an important aspect in this work.

Trust is built through deep listening and witnessing and defines this container. It is the deciding factor for the depth of the experience. As a facilitator I need to trust myself and my own wisdom in discovering deeper ways of listening and being present. This in turn cultivates trust within the individual.

Every session is an energetic composite of whomever is participating and no two are alike.
This work is a living, breathing entity and not a packaged product. It is a place where we meet and cultivate insight, change and empowerment.

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