“Jacqueline is one of those exceptional educators who genuinely cares about each individual, and possesses the ability to meet each person precisely where they are in their lives. I have seen in her what I would call a ‘devotion to the human spirit’, demonstrated in her commitment to help each individual be the best they can be. Her skills in working with people are exceptional. Jacqueline is an advocate for individual wellness in all its forms.”
— Christine Seibert , Director of Education, Cleveland Public Theatre
“Jacqueline’s love of life and interest in other human beings, their struggles and their joys, is unquenchable. She strives to understand others and meet them ‘where they are at’, and this makes her an excellent facilitator. She is naturally curious and deeply cares about and wants to help other people. Jacqueline is also a profound communicator with an ability to bridge gaps between people and concepts. She is a powerhouse of passion, her energy and drive, as well as compassion makes her a very special, deeply inspiring and relatable person. I have seen her change people’s lives!”
— Lark Fox, Herbalist
“…Jacqueline is one of those living masters that transforms everyone she meets.”
— Dr. Jeffrey Lidke, Assistant Professor of Religion at Berry College
“Jacqueline dances the line of facilitator, coach, cheerleader, sagacious friend, and spirit guide. In my sessions with her I felt foremost, supported and listened to. When I was ready, she nudged me ever so gently to take those first steps to change what I had expressed. This professional stewardship of her mentoring gifts is invaluable for anyone looking for growth through change.”
— Ross Rosenzweig, Chef and Culinary coach
“Not only do I think Jacqueline to be a phenomenal person, but her wisdom is crazy mad! Listen, read, spend time with her and you will think so too.”
– Jeanne Coyne Song, Administrative Chair, Berkeley Rose School
“Jacqueline Westhead is one of the most integrity-filled healers I know. I highly recommend checking out her podcast series!”
– Kenny Dread, Musician Extraordinaire
“…Jacqueline Westhead’s work shines; she truly manifests the beauty and the power in this exquisite form….”
— Yoga Chicago
“…Jacqueline has displayed a great talent for inspiring and guiding the creative spirit with a deep joy. She gives her workshop participants the opportunity to discover their intrinsic ability.”
— Cheryl Sloan, Magic City Foundation
“Jacqueline Westhead and Sound Body Wisdom were extremely well received! A passionate and compassionate facilitator, the 3-hour workshop was chock full of provocative content. Sensibly well sequenced, call and response chanting both opened and closed the program. Jacqueline’s beautiful, rich voice quickly set the tone for an evening of safe, personal inquiry. Engaging and well informed, she fluidly wove together a series of exercises that offered up fascinating observations and revealing insights. Undoubtedly, all walked away with lots of new material for further exploration. I look forward to going even deeper next time around!”
— Phyllis Kritz, Yoga Instructor