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Finding Comfort

I am contemplating ‘comfort’ and pondering the many ways it may or may not influence our choices and behaviors.How does each of us create and move towards or away from comfort in our lives? What role, if any, does predictability/the familiar play in this? To what lengths will we go…

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Lowering the Water Line

This practice really is about developing your awareness. Your entire life can change from this one activity. Not that it’s an easy activity but it really is a primary one that involves authentic care, kindness and curiosity.The definition of ‘unconscious’ is anything not in your awareness.Even when we’re not conscious…

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Mapping Stress

Stress can mean different things to different people and each of us may have a different response to any given stimulus based on many factors. We know stress is personal and subjective and is one of the greatest influences over our health and well being. (A stressful situation — whether…

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Radical Embodiment

Radical Embodiment is about challenging your own perceptions and perspectives. It is about questioning the layers of who you think you are and what you think you know and also honoring who you are and what you believe. This might sound contradictory, and in some ways, it is.Life is filled…

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All Parts Included

Today I wanted to look at the art and challenge of self-acceptance; the practice of accepting ourselves with all of our unique foibles, idiosyncrasies and less than shiny bits. (No ifs, ands or buts.)This practice is so essential because it fundamentally informs the way we perceive the world, others and…

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Oh Judgement…

Judgement……what role does it serve in our lives and world?  What does it illicit in you as you read the word?I am fascinated in watching it in myself and all around as it seems quite persistent.  Is it inherent or is it conditioned?  Does it serve the health and well…

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