About the practice

Sound Body Wisdom believes in the practice of the self. It supports the cultivation of your personal wisdom, resources and empowerment through developing the skills of awareness, curiosity and kindness. These skills expand the possibility of choice and help to guide towards new possibility in how you experience self, others and life.

Sound Body Wisdom is playful, inspiring, and also challenging. It can bring you to your edge, examining the balance of your comfort with what is familiar and your desire to grow. This practice is a multi-layered resource that can be engaged individually, in group form (Workshops) or through one-on-one sessions (Mentorship).

Sound Body Wisdom integrates the skills and tools of awareness, curiosity, kindness, movement, voice, breath, language, play, imagination, witnessing practices and more. It supports the wisdom of inner connectivity leading to outer expressivity. It holds the space of possibility to explore what supports us being more fully embodied, empowered and enlivened.

Sound Body Wisdom emphasizes the art of awareness and the capacity to sense, feel, and think anew: re-learning the potential of our perceptions. We each have the innate capacity for continued growth and evolution, developing our relationship to self, to others and to our environments. Part of this evolution begins by shifting any limiting sense of self or others and expanding into new ways of knowing.

The work is steeped in embodiment, mind body, and meditation techniques and serves to invigorate and nourish while expanding our sense of awareness and personal wisdom. These techniques are integrated along with personal expression and the latest revelations in neuroscience to create a space of curiosity and growth.

I support people in discovering their superpowers.

What I offer are the knowledge and skills of my somatic, expressive arts, counseling, and nutritional training combined with my over 25 years of facilitation work, neuroscience research, practical application, and immersion in wisdom traditions on several continents. I have been developing these techniques for over two decades and am constantly growing them as I use them in my own life. I have been delighted and grateful to work with so many people over the years as I grow my tapestry of experience, skills, and insight. I am committed to and believe in the wisdom of each of us.

Click HERE to read about the modalities I use.

Click HERE to learn more about my rates.

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