Inside Out: Skills, Parts and Your Practice

In this episode we learn more about the Inner Landscape, our Parts and Authentic Self. We explore the framework and learn why and how to apply our skills (Awareness, Kindness and Curiosity) to develop our Inner Society with the dynamics of cohesion, connection and collaboration. All in service to you making chosen changes in how you think, feel and act.

Our Connection to Well Being

In this episode, we reflect on our connection to ourselves and how this supports our sense of well being. We also explore how external ideas and narratives can influence us.

The Relational Nature of Words

In this episode I am bringing our attention to the more unconscious layers and the many different aspects that are a part of language and communication. We will take a look at the part of the iceberg that is below the surface, the deeper influences or responses we have….and acknowledge the multitude of things that influence how we speak, hear, perceive, interpret and engage in communication with words.

The New Book is Available!

Hello everyone and hope you are well!

I am excited to announce that Touching the Invisible: A Field Guide for Living is now available.
After almost 3 years it is humbling and exciting to have it completed.

The book is over 500 pages of insights into mind body, neuroscience, biology, awareness and a behind-the-scenes look at what makes us who and how we are. There is also an entire section devoted to exercises you can try or develop into your own practice.

To read more about it, see a preview or order a copy, please visit:

As always, please feel free to be in touch!

Loving without conditions

In this podcast we explore the power of unconditioned love, especially for oneself. I offer insights about the physiology of love and its healing powers. We are wired for love and designed for growth. No matter what we have learned previously in our life, we can cultivate unconditional love as a new habit.